Myonverse Wiki
Fermium (100Fm)
General properties
Name fermium
Ancaron Name zoubmu
Appearance silvery
Atomic number 100
Standard atomic weight [260]
Element category actinide
Group, block f12
Period 7
Electron Configuration [Ra] 5f12 7s2
per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 30, 8, 2
Next element mendelevium
Previous element einsteinium
Element above erbium
Element below unpentbium
Physical properties
Phase at r.t. solid
Melting point 852 °C
Boiling point 3015 °C
Density 12.56 g/cc
Crystal structure hexagonal closed-packed
Magnetic ordering paramagnetic
Atomic properties
Oxidation states 2, 3
Electronegativity 1.32
Electron affinity 0.31 eV
Ionization energies 1st: 627.4 kJ/mol
2nd: 1224.8 kJ/mol
3rd: 2363.4 kJ/mol
Atomic radius 182 pm
Most stable isotopes
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
252Fm syn 25.39 h α 7.153 248Cf
253Fm syn 3.12 d α 7.197 249Cf
ε 0.333 253Es
256Fm syn 32.43 h α 7.066 252Cf
257Fm syn 100.7 d α 6.864 253Cf
258Fm trace 64.35 d α 6.702 254Cf
259Fm trace 357.3 d α 6.418 255Cf
260Fm trace 6.38×105 y α 4.471 256Cf
262Fm trace 116.4 d β- 0.973 262Md

Fermium is element number 100 with the symbol Fm. It is a very radioactive metal with no significant uses outside of basic research due to its instability. However it does mark the point at which the dao-based stability effects begin to become significant.
